Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Getting to Know You

It's the 15th. Out of 30. So I'ma give myself a little break and update an older post: the All About Me post.

I'm (still) a (mostly) reformed corporate law wino (as in from the wine industry). I had a friend in college whose many catchphrases included the truest of thruths: "winos never get afraid about nothin', but runnin' outta wine." (Apparently, he was quoting Richard Pryor, well, misquoting at the time. I can Google things now, which I couldn't do quite yet in 1995!)

I've been Director of Domestic Affairs now for 3 years, with my two underlings, the Mayor - 7 (nickname earned kissing babies and shaking parents' hands on the preschool playground) and Miss Thing - 3.5, but built like a 5 y/o (nickname given in the womb for no particular reason, but as it turns out she is pretty sassy). Still married to Fella, the heartless bureaucrat that loves old cars, movies, and Dame Judi Dench.

At nine, my parents transplanted the family from Chicago to the San Francisco/Bay Area. Even though I've lived here for 30 years now (less the three years of hard time I did for law school in Topeka, KS) my heart belongs to the Midwest.

Cooking is a pastime and I almost never make tuna noodle casserole the same way twice because my way of cooking usually doesn't follow a recipe and I never keep track of what I'm doing so it's hard to replicate. Did I mention I like wine? (It was hard to leave my job!) And not the plonk, although I won't say no if all you're pouring is Two Buck Chuck. I also dabble in working out (planks, burpees, and push-ups are my nemeses), volunteering (I never met a good deed I didn't like), sewing (although it's been awhile since my machine has seen the light of day), and crafting (by this I mostly mean curating crafty piles of paper throughout the house). There's just not enough time in the day!

I love a good pun, I've been know to drop a well-placed swear from time-to-time (which some might consider an improvement; were this before kids, I would have described myself more as "cusses like a sailor"), and I have a bawdy sense of humor (I never started a game of Catchphrase that didn't end as a game of Sexual Catchphrase).

I'm always and forever an Oxford comma gal.

However, I can't decide if we should be saying things are "on point" or "en pointe" and it really bugs me. Mostly that I think about these minutiae.

Life is a struggle, whether it's to be the best mom/daughter/wife/sister/friend/person I want to be. But this is what it means to be a in training: each struggle and triumph prepares us for the next just ahead.

And this is a chronicle of my Life in Training.

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